First Defenders

First Defenders is a prayer initiative to help a man begin or renew his God-given task of protecting his family. It encourages a husband and father to quietly begin or faithfully continue leading his family spiritually. Men in this association are encouraged to follow Saint Joseph's example of humility--speak little, love much. Our world needs the stability that will take hold as one by one each man steps into his proper place as spiritual head of his family.

What are some benefits?

1. Develop the habit of praying a hedge of protection around your family.

2. Explore your calling as spiritual head of the family and avoid common pitfalls.

3. You do not pray alone. Other men in this association will be praying for you and your family, too.

4. If you're ever sick or debilitated we've got your back and your family is still covered in prayer.

What's Required?

About 3 minutes a day... That's it!

Need a Boost?

Join us for our meetings on Wednesdays at 6 am (Pacific) for our weekly 30 minute gathering with Scripture reading, prayer, and fellowship. You're not in this alone!

Help Spread the Word

Download the First Defenders print-ready business card template. Email it to any print shop in your area. Please share these!

Let Us Pray For You

Complete the form for a prayer intention. We won't share, sell or rent your information - ever. 

Prayer Breaks

A Holy Family Apostolate Initiative

"Inviting the world to take a prayer break."

Holy Family Apostolate Corp. © 2023